Brakes - Longer Life Front Brake Pad Lining
FILE IN SECTION: 5 - BrakesBULLETIN NO.: 43-50-06A
DATE: May, 1995
Longer Life Front Brake Lining (Install New Brake Pads)
1991-95 Buick Skylark
1992-95 Chevrolet Cavalier; Corsica, Beretta
1991 Oldsmobile Cutlass Calais
1992-95 Oldsmobile Achieva
1991-95 Pontiac Grand Am
1992-94 Pontiac Sunbird
1995 Pontiac Sunfire
This bulletin is being revised to include the 1995 model year and revise part number information. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 43-50-6 (Section 5 - Brakes).
Some owners may comment on the life of the front brake linings.
This condition can be addressed by replacing front brake pads with new 8100 lining compound, P/N 12510050, (Canadian P/N 18022395). The new brake pads incorporate wear sensors on each brake pad.
DO NOT resurface rotors unless there is a pulsation concern or deep scoring in excess of .060 (up to the head on a dime) is measured. U.S. Dealers - Pontiac vehicles should replace rotors; not resurface if the above conditions are met. Canadian Dealers - use current policy.
Parts are currently available from GMSPO.
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use:
Operation Labor Time
H0042 Use published labor operation time.