Side Window Defogger Grill/Door Trim Panel - Gap
File In Section: 10 - BodyBulletin No.: 43-10-26
Date: October, 1994
Gap Between Door Trim Panel and Side Window Defogger Outlet Grille (Apply Adhesive)
1992-94 Oldsmobile Achieva
Some owners may comment on a gap between the door trim panel and the side window defogger outlet grille.
The door trim panel skin delaminates from the foam or the foam delaminates from the door trim panel substrate. Another possible cause could be excessive foam build up on the inboard side of the door trim panel.
1. Remove the side window defogger outlet grille from the door trim panel.
2. Inspect the door trim panel skin or foam for delamination.
3. If delamination has occurred, apply Loctite� Super Bonder 495 adhesive or equivalent to the door trim panel skin or the door trim panel substrate.
The door panel skin or foam must be positioned before the adhesive sets (approximately 5 seconds).
4. Install the side window defogger outlet grille.
Warranty Information
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use:
Labor Operation Labor Time
T3466 0.2 hr