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Differential & Ring Gear


1. Remove ring gear bolts (77), then the ring gear (70).

2. Remove bearings (75 and 60) using bearing removal and leg set tool Nos. J-22888, J-22888-35 and side bearing puller adapter tool No. J-23598, or equivalents.

3. Remove speedometer gear (71 or 72). Removing gear (71) will destroy it.

4. Remove roll pin.

5. Remove cross differential pin (63).

6. Remove pinion differential gears (67) and washers (64), then the side differential gears (66) and washers (65).

Inspect all components for excessive wear and/or damage. Replace worn or damaged components as required.

In addition to a hydraulic press, differential inner bearing installer tool No. J-22919, or equivalent, is required to assemble the differential and ring gear.

Heat the mechanical nylon speedometer drive gear (71) in hot tap water for approximately five minutes prior to installation. Heat the electronic steel speedometer drive gear in an oven at 250°F for seven to ten minutes prior to installation.

Do not reuse ring gear bolts (77).

1. Allow gears to cool, then install speedometer gear (71 or 72).

2. Install bearings (60 and 75) using differential inner bearing installer tool No. J-22919, or equivalent, and hydraulic press.

3. Install side differential gears (66) and washers (65), then the pinion differential gears (67) and washers (64).

4. Install cross differential pin (63)

5. Install roll pin.

6. On all models, install ring gear (70) with inside diameter chamfer facing carrier assembly.

7. Install new bolts (77). Tighten differential ring gear bolts to specifications.