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Drive Axles, Bearings and Joints: Service and Repair

Fig. 5 Rear Suspension (Left Side):

Construction of the axle assembly is such that service operations may be performed with the housing installed in the vehicle or with the housing removed and installed in a holding fixture. The following procedure is necessary only when the housing requires replacement.
1. Raise vehicle and place jack stands under frame side rails. Position a jack under the rear axle housing and raise slightly to support axle assembly.
2. Remove rear wheels and drums then disconnect shock absorbers from anchor plates.
3. Scribe reference marks between driveshaft and pinion flange for use during reassembly, then disconnect driveshaft and position aside.
4. Disconnect brake lines from junction block and backing plates, then remove junction block attaching bolt and position aside.
5. Remove backing plates.
6. Remove U-bolts and anchor plates, Fig. 5.
7. On 1988-93 models, disconnect vent hose from axle housing.
8. Lower rear axle assembly, then remove lower spring shackle bolts.
9. Remove rear axle assembly.
10. Reverse procedure to install. Torque shock absorber nut, U-bolt nuts and lower spring shackle bolts to specification.