Return and Method of Reimbursement
Return Reimbursement
The following conditions qualify for dealer reimbursement:
1. Administrative Allowances
Enter as "Labor Hours" - A range from 0.0 to 0.3 hours may be claimed for each line involving the return of parts (and copies of R.O.s including technician comments). The time requested for reimbursement depends on the complexity of the request as determined by the dealer.
A range from 0.0 to 0.2 hours can be claimed for each line where repair order only copies are returned, again as determined by the dealer.
2. Shipping Expenses
Enter as "Net Item" - There will be no dealer-incurred postage or shipping costs associated with parts returned to the WPC. However, any postage charges for "repair order only" requests will be reimbursed.
3. Packaging Material Costs (where applicable) Enter as "Net Item" - Packaging material costs include such things as boxes, tape, etc. Labor charges (for crating an engine assembly, draining and sealing components in order to prevent leakage during shipment, etc.) associated with packaging costs are to be calculated and billed at a cost for unskilled labor and not at the dealer's warranty or retail labor rate.
4. GMSPO Core Part Allowance Amounts (where applicable) Enter in "Net Item."
Method of Reimbursement
Each return request may be recorded using a separate repair order or up to ten requests may be (physically) listed on a repair order. Entries must include the VIN, request number, number of parts returned, and associated costs.
When submitting a single return request for reimbursement, use the normal submission procedures and Labor Operation Z7200 with claim type "F." In order to receive reimbursement for multiple part return requests, choose one of the VINs for the one line claim. Submit for the total of all corresponding charges (up to 10 requests) on that one line. Submit the claim using normal submission procedures and Labor Operation Z7200 with claim type "F." Refer to the description of claim submission entries below.
All related documentation, including a copy of the CPR return request, must be retained for future reference in accordance with the GM Service Policies & Procedures Manual, Article 1.6.