Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


1. Inspect pin (129) for damage and seal (128) for cuts or nicks.

2. Do not remove seals (132 and 134) unless replacement is necessary.

3. Check spring (131) and retainer (130) for damage.

4. Inspect cover (137) for damage, cracks or porosity.

5. Check piston (133) for cracks or seal groove damage.

6. Install intermediate band apply pin gauge tool No. J 28535 or equivalent on the case with the pin (129) into the gauge.

7. Using a suitable torque wrench, apply approximately 100 ft. lbs. or torque.

8. If the white line appears in window of gauge, pin length is correct.

9. If line is above window, pin is too short. If white line does not appear, select a different length intermediate band apply pin and repeat measurement.