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Piston: Specifications

Engine Liter/VIN 3.4L/X

All Measurements Given In Inches Unless Otherwise Specified

Piston Diameter (Std.) 3.6208-3.6217
Piston Clearance 0.0013-0.0027
Piston Pin Diameter [01] 0.9052-0.9054
Piston Pin To Piston Clearance 0.0005-0.0009
Piston Ring End Gap [02]
Comp. [09]
Oil 0.008
Piston Ring Side Clearance
Comp. 0.0016-0.0035
Oil 0.008

[01] Pistons & pins are matched set & should be replaced as an assembly.
[02] Maximum.
[09] Top ring, 0.016 inch] 2nd ring, 0.029 inch.