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Ignition & Dimmer Switch

Fig. 60 Ignition Switch & Actuator Installation.:

Fig. 61 Dimmer Switch Adjustment:

1. Place shift lever in the Park position and lock cylinder in the Off position.
2. Remove steering column from vehicle.
3. Disconnect turn signal switch and pivot and pulse switch connectors from ignition and dimmer switch assembly connector.
4. Remove bowl shield screw and nut and remove bowl shield.
5. Remove dimmer and ignition switch assembly as follows:
a. Remove dimmer switch nut, upper mounting stud, then dimmer switch.
b. Remove lower mounting stud and ignition switch from ignition switch actuator rod.
6. Remove dimmer switch actuator rod from rod cap.

1. Place the ignition switch slider in the far left position and move back one detent to the right, Off-Lock position. Fig. 60.
2. Insert a 3/32 inch drill bit into the adjustment hole on ignition switch to hold switch slider in proper position during installation.
3. Install ignition switch to switch rod.
4. Install ignition switch to jacket and bowl assembly with lower mounting stud. Torque stud to 35 lb in
5. Remove drill bit from ignition switch and install dimmer switch actuator rod, tab first, through hole in instrument panel bracket and hole in dimmer switch rod cap.
6. Tab on rod must engage wide slot in rod cap and snap in place.
7. Install dimmer switch onto actuator rod and dimmer switch assembly on lower mounting stud with dimmer switch nut and upper mounting stud.
8. Adjust dimmer switch by inserting a 3/32 inch drill bit through hole in switch and push switch against actuator rod to remove all lash. Fig. 61.
9. Torque dimmer switch nut and upper mounting stud to 35 lb in
10. Install shield screw and bowl shield nut. Torque shield screw to 53 lb in and bowl shield nut to 35 lb in
11. Connect turn signal switch and pivot and pulse switch connectors to ignition and dimmer switch connector and snap in place.