Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Capacity Specifications

Engine/VIN [01] 3.4L (X)
Coolant Capacity, Qts.
Less A/C 12.7
With A/C 12.7
Radiator Cap Relief Pressure, psi 15
Thermostat Opening Temp. ° F 195
Fuel Tank Gals. 16.5
Engine Oil Refill Qts. [03] 5
Transaxle Qts. [02]
Drain & Refill 6
Total Capacity 8

[01] The eight digit of vehicle identification number (VIN) denotes engine code.
[02] Capacity approximate. Make final check with dipstick and add fluid as necessary.
[03] Additional oil may be required to bring oil level to full mark when changing oil filter.