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Manual Bleeding

1. Deplete vacuum in brake vacuum booster by depressing brake pedal repeatedly with engine stopped, then ensure master cylinder reservoir is filled with clean DOT 3 brake fluid.
2. Install master cylinder reservoir cap, then loosen forward brake pipe connection at master cylinder.

CAUTION: Prevent brake fluid from coming in contact with painted surfaces.

3. Allow brake fluid to flow from master cylinder brake pipe port. Keep reservoir full at all times.
4. Tighten brake pipe fitting, then depress brake pedal slowly and hold down.
5. With brake pedal depressed, loosen forward brake pipe fitting again to purge air from bore, then wait 15 seconds.
6. Repeat preceding step until all air is removed, then torque forward brake pipe fitting to 11 ft. lbs.
7. Repeat master cylinder bleed procedure at rearward brake pipe.
8. Bleed right rear, left rear, right front and, finally, left front wheel brake circuits in order as follows:
a. Raise and support vehicle, then remove bleeder valve cap and position a suitable box end wrench on bleeder valve.
b. Connect a flexible, transparent tube to bleeder valve nipple, then submerge other end of tube in a glass container partially filled with clean DOT 3 brake fluid.
c. Slowly depress brake pedal and hold down, then loosen bleeder valve and allow fluid to pass through tube and into glass container. Ensure master cylinder reservoir is kept full during bleeding sequence.
d. When brake pedal reaches end of its travel and fluid is no longer passing through transparent tube, tighten bleeder valve. Do not release brake pedal until valve is tight.
e. Wait 15 seconds, then repeat bleed procedure as necessary until bubbles no longer emerge into glass container. Bleeding procedure may require ten or more repetitions. Always wait 15 seconds between bleeding sequences.
f. Repeat bleed procedure for remaining wheel brake circuits.
g. Torque wheel cylinder bleeder valves to 62 inch lbs. and caliper bleeder valves to 10 ft. lbs.