Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

With C67 System

A/C System Configuration:

Tool Required: J 26549-E Orifice Tube Remover and Extractor.

Note: Metal chips, flakes or slivers found on the expansion tube screen can usually be blown out with air once the tube is removed. Replace the A/C evaporator tube orifice only if one or more of the following conditions are evident:

^ Plastic frame is broken.

^ Brass orifice tube is damaged or plugged.

^ Screen material is torn.

^ Screen is plugged and cannot be cleaned.

Remove or Disconnect
^ Recover refrigerant.

1. A/C evaporator hose-to-A/C condenser tube (condenser to evaporator) fitting.

^ Use a backup wrench while loosening fitting.
^ Discard seal.

2. A/C evaporator tube orifice from A/C evaporator hose with J 26549-E.

If the A/C evaporator tube orifice is plugged or restricted to the point where it can not be removed without considerable effort, replace the entire A/C evaporator hose assembly.

Install or Connect
^ Clean fittings with mineral base 525 viscosity refrigerant oil. Do not allow refrigerant oil to enter system.

1. A/C evaporator tube orifice into A/C evaporator hose (shorter screen end first).
2. O-ring to A/C evaporator hose.

^ Lightly coat O-ring with mineral base 525 viscosity refrigerant oil.

3. A/C evaporator hose fitting at A/C condenser tube (condenser to evaporator).

^ A/C evaporator hose-to-A/C condenser tube (condenser to evaporator) fitting to 24 Nm (18 lb.ft.). Use a backup wrench while torquing fitting.

4. Evacuate and charge A/C system.
5. Leak-test fittings.