Circuit Operation
MEMORY SEATThe Memory Seat/Mirror System provides an automatic driver's seat and outside mirrors return to one of two preset positions. Three seat motors, controlled by the Memory Seat/ Memory Mirror Control Module, control the movement of the seat. The direction the motors turn depends on the supply voltage polarity sent to the motors. The driver selects from three seat movements (front height, rear height and forward- back) by operating the LH Seat Switch Assembly, When the switch assembly is operated, battery voltage is applied to the module's seat position inputs. This causes the module to output voltage to the seat motors, moving the seat to the commanded position.
Seat Motor Transmission Cable Position Sensors are used to "remember" the seat position. These sensors "ire potentiometers which are mounted to each motor's transmission cable. As the motor transmission cable rotates, the potentiometer resistance is varied. The seat position is determined by the voltage level sent to the Memory Seat/Memory Mirror Control Module by the position sensor. If the Memory Set button is pushed, and the Memory Select Switch is moved to 1 or 2, the voltage level is stored to "remember" the seat position.
Although the Power Seat System may be operated with the Ignition Switch in any position, the memory function only operates when the gear selector lever is in the PARK position and the Ignition Switch is in RUN or START.
When the Position I and 2 buttons are pushed simultaneously, battery voltage is applied simultaneously to the Memory Seat/memory Mirror Control Module's memory 1 and memory 2 inputs, signaling the module to move the seat to the fully down and back position. The module applies voltage to all three LH Seat Motors until the seat is fully back and down. The easy exit function operates with the Ignition Switch at OFF.
Operation of the Memory Mirrors is similar to that of the Memory Seats. Each mirror contains two motors. One motor moves the mirror up and down, and the other moves it left and right. The direction the motors turn depends on the supply voltage polarity sent to the motors. Mirror selection (LH or RH) and movement (up-down or left-right) is controlled by operating the Mirror Control Switch Assembly. When the switch assembly is operated, battery voltage is applied to the module's select/position inputs. This causes the module to output voltage to the mirror motors, moving the mirror to the commanded position.
Mirror motor position sensors are used to "remember" the mirror positions. These sensors are potentiometers contained in the mirror's drive unit. As the mirror motors turn, the potentiometer resistance is varied. The mirror position is determined by the voltage level sent to the Memory Seat/Memory Mirror Control Module. if the set memory button is pushed, and the Memory Select Switch is moved to 1 or 2, the voltage level is stored to "remember" the mirror positions.
The Memory Seat/Memory Mirror Control Module contains circuitry that allows the system to be self-diagnosed. This feature allows system faults to be isolated more quickly.