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High Impedance Multimeter

High Impedance Multimeter:


This High Impedance Multimeter measures Voltage, Resistance (ohms), and Current (amps). Use tool part number J 34029-A or equivalent. See tool manufacturers instructions for more information on the specific type of meter being used.


Voltage position measures magnitude of voltage when connected in parallel to an existing circuit. A digital voltmeter with a 10 megohm input impedance is used because this type of meter will not load down the circuit and result in faulty readings. Some circuits require accurate low voltage readings because they have very high resistance. See tool manufacturers instructions for more information on the specific type of meter being used.


When used as an ammeter, this meter accurately measures extremely low current flow. See tool manufacturers instructions for more information on the specific type of meter being used.


Measures resistance of circuit directly in ohms. See tool manufacturers instructions for more information on the specific type of meter being used.