Brakes - Rotor Warranty Service Procedure: Overview
File In Section: 5 - BrakesBulletin No.: 23-50-05B
Date: November, 1997
Brake Rotor Warranty Service Procedure
1994-98 GM Passenger Cars
This bulletin outlines GM's procedures for brake rotor service for all applicable GM passenger cars and supersedes Corporate Bulletin Number 23-50-05A Section 5 - Brakes).
Rotors should only be turned when one or more of the following rotor surface conditions exist:
1. Severe Scoring - depth in excess of 1.5 mm (0.060 in.).
2. Pulsation Concerns from:
a. Thickness variation in excess of 0.025 mm (0.001 in.).
b. Corrosion on rotor braking surfaces.
Rotors are NOT to be resurfaced in an attempt to correct:
1. Noise/squeal.
2. Cosmetic corrosion.
3. Routine pad replacement.
4. Discoloration and/or "hard spots".