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Air Cleaner Housing: Service and Repair

Air Intake System:

1. Intake Air Temperature (IAT) sensor electrical connector.
2. Air cleaner cover.
3. Clamp and rear air intake duct from air cleaner assembly.
4. One bolt / screw from air cleaner bracket and lift entire assembly up and out of its location.

1. Sub-assemble rear intake duct over flange of air cleaner assembly in position shown in image.
2. Position assembled air cleaner and duct assembly over hole in air cleaner support bracket.
3. Seat air cleaner assembly to seal and align to the front air intake duct. Make certain this is aligned properly. Otherwise the front air intake duct could suck shut on Wide Open Throttle (WOT) maneuvers, causing the engine to stall.

Bolt / screw to 10 Nm (7 lb. ft.).

4. IAT sensor - (if replacing rear air intake duct, transfer IAT sensor from old unit).
5. Air cleaner filter, cover and fasten screws securely.
6. Securely fasten clamps.