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Fuse Box Door - Loose/Poor Retention

File in Section: 8 - Chassis/Body Electrical

Bulletin No.: 53-83-15

Date: September, 1995

Loose and/or Poor Retention of the Fuse Box Door (Apply 2 Pieces of 3M(R) Dual Lock)

1995 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme
1995 Pontiac Grand Prix


Some owners may comment about loose and/or poor retention of the fuse box door.


To correct this condition:

1. Apply two (2) small pieces of 3M(R) Dual Lock # 06483 or equivalent to the inside of the fuse box door with the mating pieces attached as illustrated (see Figure 1).

Do not cover label on inside of door.

2. Remove backing from mating Dual Lock and reinstall door. Apply slight pressure to outside of door to insure mating Dual Lock will adhere to fuse box inner surface.

3. Remove door and inspect to be sure Dual Lock has adhered to both the door and the fuse box.

Warranty Information

For vehicles repaired under warranty, use:

Labor Operation Labor Time
N1710 Use published labor operation time.