Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

System Operation

The remote lock control transmitter has 3 buttons. The remote lock control transmitter provides touch control of the following vehicle functions:

IMPORTANT: In order to avoid unintentional operation of the transmitter, use care when within range of the vehicle. This may cause the following conditions:

^ The doors to lock
^ The doors to lock unintentionally
^ The rear compartment lid to lock unintentionally
^ Door lock button (5): All of the doors will automatically lock when the LOCK button on the transmitter is pressed once. If you press the button a second time, within five seconds, the horn chirp sounds. This indicates that the doors have been locked.
^ Door unlock button (2): The drivers door will unlock automatically. The interior lights illuminate when you press the UNLOCK button once on the transmitter. If you press the UNLOCK button a second time, within 5 seconds, all of the remaining doors will unlock automatically.
^ Rear compartment lid release button (3): The rear compartment lid unlocks and the interior lights illuminate when you press the rear compartment lid release button on the transmitter.

This action occurs under the following conditions:
^ The remote trunk release lockout is not engaged.
^ The transaxle gear selector is in park or neutral.