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Generator Whine Concerns

^ Inspect the ground terminal on the battery.
^ Inspect for coated mounting bolts on the generator bracket.
^ Inspect for a faulty mounting of the generator to the engine.
^ Ensure that all of the ground straps between the engine and the frame are clean and tight.
^ Use the following repairs:
1. If noise is still present, inspect the charging system. Refer to Charging System Check. Testing and Inspection
2. If the charging system is functioning properly, acquire any available technical service bulletins on generator whine.
3. Install a filter GM PIN 1224205 in the battery feed to the radio.
4. If noise is not eliminated, install the filter using the following variations:
^ Install the filler with the single wire side toward the radio and the ground wire attached to a good ground.
^ Remove the ground to the filter.
^ Reverse the filter so that the two-wire side is toward the radio with the ground wire attached to a good ground.
^ Remove the ground from the filter.
5. If the noise is still present, install another filter GM P/N 1224205 in the ignition feed to the radio. Use the same installation variations as listed above.
If the installation of this filter causes turn ON or turn OFF delays (or other noticeable performance concerns), remove the filter. Install a 0.47 mF capacitor to ground in place of the filter that was just removed.
6. Remove any unneeded filters after the repair, before reassembling the vehicle.