Clunk When Accelerating From Coast
Clunk When Accelerating from CoastA clunk noise occurring when accelerating from coast or a standing start may be caused by a worn or damaged wheel drive shaft tripot joint. The common cause of wheel drive shaft tripot damage is the loss of lubricating grease and/or the presence of foreign material and contaminates in the joint. This usually occurs as a result of a torn or damaged tripot joint seal boot.
Carefully inspect the wheel drive shaft tripot seal boot for cuts, tears or other signs of damage that may allow the loss of the lubricating grease and/or the entry of contaminates. If the seals appear intact, remove the wheel drive shaft from the vehicle and inspect the tripot joint. Rotate the tripot joint in a circular motion. Do not allow the tripot spider to become disengaged from the race housing, or damage to the tripot joint will occur. The movement of the tripot joint should be smooth and even. If any binding or impeded motion is felt, the tripot joint requires replacement.