Door Window Weatherstrip
Weatherstrip Replacement - Front Door Window
Removal Procedure
1. Remove the front door trim panel. Refer toTrim Panel Replacement - Side Front Door (Service and Repair) .
2. Remove the front door water deflector. Refer toWater Deflector Replacement - Front Door Service and Repair.
3. Remove the front door window. Refer toWindow Replacement - Front Door (Front Side Door Window Replacement) .
4. Remove the weatherstrip (2) from the door frame.
Installation Procedure
1. Position the front weatherstrip edge (4) to the door frame channel.
2. Secure the weatherstrip beginning at (4) and working around the inside of the window frame back to (3).
3. Ensure the weatherstrip at (1, 2) is secured to the corners of the upper window frame.
4. Install the front door window. Refer toWindow Replacement - Front Door (Front Side Door Window Replacement) .
5. Install the front door water deflector. Refer toWater Deflector Replacement - Front Door Service and Repair.
6. Install the front door trim panel. Refer toTrim Panel Replacement - Side Front Door (Service and Repair) .