Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


The following procedure requires tools from differential tool kit 8.0520 Y.

1. Drain differential and clean housing.
2. Remove pinion seal plate.
3. Install support plate on front housing.
4. Mount differential upright in a suitable vise.
5. Remove front bolts retaining side bearing thrust plates.
6. Remove bolts and nuts. Using a mallet, if necessary, separate differential halves.
7. Mount front differential half horizontally in vise.

Fig. 1 Removing input pinion nut:

8. Install adapter on input pinion nut and secure to stud with nut, Fig. 1.
9. Place socket on pinion and remove nut.
10. Remove socket, adapter and pinion nut.
11. Press pinion from inside housing.
12. Remove rear bearing outer race.
13. Remove front bearing outer race.
14. Remove drive pinion and rear bearing.
15. Remove differential assembly bolts and separate ring gear and carrier.

Fig. 2 Removing LH differential bearing:

16. Place ring gear on drift, Fig. 2. Insert support rods through 4 opposed holes in the ring gear and position split collar around bearing.
17. Place thrust pad on center of ring gear bearing hub. Remove drift and position ring gear and tools on press table. Press ring gear out.

Fig. 3 Removing RH differential bearing:

18. Place carrier half of differential in soft-jawed vise and position split collar around bearing, Fig. 3. Place thrust pad on carrier bearing hub.
19. Remove bearing, Fig. 3.
20. Remove spider gear pin and disassemble carrier.