Dashboard - Rattles and Squeaks
88peugeot03BULLETIN NO. 282
DATE: July, 1988
Rattle from right hand side of dashboard when driving on less than perfect roadways, hitting bumps, over railroad tracks, etc.
A. The power steering ECU located behind the upper glove box rattling against rear of glove box (MY87 STI 2.8 V6, MY87-88 STX 2.8 V6, and MY87-88 TURBO S Sedans only)
B. The cruise control ECU and the climate control ECU located next to each other behind right hand side of dashboard at shroud rub against each other and create a squeaking noise (vehicles equipped with cruise control only)
C. The injection ECU located behind lower glove box rattles against rear attachment plate at the ECU's left hand side by the single attachment eyelet (not utilized) (all models could be affected).
- In order to gain access, open lower glove box, pull glove box side walls inward freeing the opening limiters, and let it down on the floor
- Remove glove box completely (held in place by two 8 mm hex head bolts)
Repair of Cause A:
- Remove the accessory power board (one phillips head screw)
- Remove the power steering ECU from its location (held in place by two Phillips-head sheetmetal screws through two sheetmetal clips)
- Glue a piece of 13 mm (1/2 inch) thick 25 x 50 mm (1 x 2 inches) medium density foam rubber, neoprene or similar, in the area indicated on the drawing below (use self-sticking material if available)
- Reinstall ECU in reverse order
Repair of Cause B:
- Loosen the two mounting nuts (10 mm hex head) for the cruise control ECU and the two nuts (8 mm hex head) holding the climate control ECU
- Move both ECU's in opposite directions on their elongated mounting eyelets in order to avoid possibility of touching
- If there is still a possibility of the two ECU's making contact with each other, carefully bend the two frame eyelets, for mounting the cruise control ECU, rearwards; this will give the cruise control ECU a more upright position out of the way of the climate control ECU
Repair of Cause C:
- Remove the two mounting nuts (8 mm hex head) on the right hand side of the injection ECU
Turn the ECU over and glue a piece of 5 mm (1/4 inch) thick approximately 25 x 30 mm (1 x 1 1/8 inches) medium density foam rubber, Neoprene or similar, in the area indicated on the drawing below (use self-sticking material if available)
- Reinstall the ECU
Reinstall lower glove box