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Right Bank Cylinder Head


1. Remove air filter, air flow sensor, and junction hose assembly.
2. Remove front grille, air intake preheat system, and upper radiator hose.
3. Remove left header pipe clamp at catalytic converter, then remove right header pipe.
4. Remove fan, shroud, and coolant hose with its outlet junction. On models equipped with air conditioning, set compressor aside without disconnecting freon lines.

Fig. 39 Camshaft bolt, plug & pinion bolt location:

5. Remove valve cover, plugs (4), and bolts (5), Fig. 39. Loosen the camshaft pinion bolt.
6. Rotate engine clockwise until No. 6 cylinder valves are in rocking position.

Fig. 40 Correct position of camshaft pinion for removal of right bank cylinder head:

7. Continue turning engine until camshaft pinion is positioned as in Fig. 40. End of rocker arm shaft (7) should be visible through left side of cut-out in camshaft sprocket.

Fig. 41 Locking camshaft pinion:

8. Install camshaft pinion support .0134 W on timing chain housing, placing tab of plate (8) into pinion teeth, Fig. 41. Hand tighten bolts (9), then lock camshaft pinion using bolt .0134 N2 and nut .0143 N3.
9. Lock bolts (9) and (10), then thread bolt (11) into counterweight support without locking it.

Fig. 42 Removal of counterweight support:

10. Remove counterweight support bolts (1) through access holes, Fig. 42. Insert two screw drivers into slots (a) and (b) and pry support (2) out of its centering dowels (3).
11. Install tool .0134 X onto rear of head with pin between two of the gear's teeth. Tighten the tool's two bolts, then remove the cylinder head bolts and the rocker arm assembly.

Fig. 43 Removing camshaft retainer:

12. Loosen bolts (8), Fig. 43, then remove camshaft retainer (9) from camshaft groove and finish removing bolt (10) to clear camshaft away from timing chain sprocket. Use two screwdrivers to continue removing camshaft until it contacts .0134 X.
13. Tilt cylinder head using levers 0.0149 and remove from engine.

Fig. 44 Installing substitute camshaft bearing:

14. If engine needs to be rotated after removal of cylinder head, refer to Fig. 44 and proceed as follows:
a. Install substitute camshaft bearing .0134 P1 on the pinion.
b. Lightly tighten pinion bolt.
c. Play may have to be compensated for by installing shims P2 and P3.
d. Tighten two bolts .0132 A2Z. Remove bolt .0134 N2 and nut .0134 N3, then remove plate .0134 W. Leave tool .0134 X in place.

Fig. 45 Correct positioning of camshaft pinion drive lug for installation of cylinder head:


1. If engine has been rotated, ensure that camshaft pinion drive lug is in position (A) as illustrated in Fig. 45. Lock camshaft pinion using bolt .0134 N2 and nut .0134 N3. Reinstall plate .0134 W and remove substitute camshaft bearing .0134 P1.
2. Insert 3 mm pins in holes at lower left and lower right corners of cylinder head mating surface on engine block.

Fig. 30 Cylinder head installation using guide pins & centering dowels:

3. Insert centering dowels butted against pins to avoid overdriving them, Fig. 30.
4. Install dry cylinder head gasket, centering it on the dowels. Ensure that gasket is right side up.
5. Install retainer plate without its bolt, then reinstall the head, holding it with one of the timing chain housing bolts turned hand tight.
6. Drive camshaft all the way into sprocket by tightening bolt.
7. Reinstall retainer and retainer plate bolt. Torque bolt to 9.5 ft. lbs.
8. Degrease rocker arm pads. Apply a light coat of Molykote 321R spray or equivalent onto rocker arm pads while protecting oil holes.
9. Install rocker arm assembly, then the fully lubricated cylinder head bolts.

Fig. 31 Cylinder head bolt torquing sequence:

10. Torque bolts to 44 ft. lbs. in sequence illustrated in Fig. 31. Loosen bolts one at a time and retorque to 15 ft. lbs., then angle torque 105°.
11. Install counterweight support through holes. Torque to 9 ft. lbs.

Fig. 39 Camshaft bolt, plug & pinion bolt location:

12. Remove special tools from front and rear of cylinder head, then torque camshaft pinion bolt to 59 ft. lbs. Install bolts (5) and plugs (4), Fig. 39. Coat plugs with Loctite or equivalent prior to installation.
13. Adjust valves as previously described, then reinstall remaining components in reverse order of removal.
14. Run engine for 12 minutes at 2000 RPM, allow engine to cool for at least two hours, then retorque cylinder head bolts an additional 45° one at a time in the sequence illustrated in Fig. 31.