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Quick Learn Procedure

NOTE: The Quick Learn function is not available for 1993 service TCMs for prior model year vehicles.

The Quick Learn function is introduced in 1993 model year vehicles having 41TE and 42LE transaxies. This function customizes adaptive parameters of the TCM to the transaxle characteristics of a vehicle. This gives the customer improved "as received" shift quality compared to the initial parameters stored in the TCM.

When to Perform the Quick Learn Procedure:
- Upon installation of a new service TCM.
- After replacement or rebuild of internal transmission components or the torque converter.
- After moving a TCM from one vehicle to another.
NOTE: Moving a TCM from one vehicle to another is not a recommended practice.
- If one or more of the clutch volume indexes (CVI's) contain skewed readings because of abnormal conditions.

To Perform the Quick Learn procedure, the following conditions must be met;
- The brakes must be applied.
- The engine speed must be above 500 rpm.
- The throttle angle (TPS) must be less than 3 degrees.
- The shift lever position must stay until prompted to shift to overdrive.
- The shift lever position must stay in overdrive after the "Shift to Overdrive" prompt until the scan tool indicates the procedure is complete.
- The calculated oil temperature must be above 60° F.

NOTE: The above conditions must continue to be met to keep the procedure from being aborted.

Quick Learn Procedure;
1. With the super cartridge [1] move through the program down to the 42LE system menu.
2. Start the vehicle.
3. Select the "Adjustments" function.
4. Apply the brakes.
5. Select the "Quick Learn" function.
6. Place the gear select in neutral when prompted.
7. Place the gear select in overdrive when prompted.
8. Wait for the "Test Complete" prompt.
9. Place the gear select in park.
10. Disengage the brakes.

[1] This procedure was written for use with Chrysler's DRB II.
It should be possible to perform the same procedure using another manufacturer's scan tool.

Notes About the Quick Learn Procedure
- DO NOT take a TCM that has been "Quick Learned" from one vehicle and install it on another vehicle without performing Quick Learn after installation. Quick Learn adapts the TCM to the particular characteristics of a vehicle's transaxle. Placing a "learned" TCM on another vehicle without doing Quick Learn after installation may result in poor shift quality.

NOTE: Swapping of production TCMs is NOT a recommended procedure.

- If an unused TCM is installed on a vehicle with a HOT engine, Quick Learn will cause the TCM to report a cold calculated oil temperature. This requires monitoring the calculated temperature using the DRB. If the temperature is below 60° F, the transaxle must be run at idle or driven in gear until it goes above 60° F. If the temperature is above 200° F, the transaxle must cool down below 200° F.
- First gear is engaged in overdrive after Quick Learn is completed. Place the vehicle in park after performing Quick Learn.