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Campaign - Turbo Breather Hose Misrouted: Overview


Date: September 16,1983
SUBJECT: Service Action JO 1980-82 Model Porsche 924 Turbo Breather Kit Installation

This is to inform you of the initiation of a service action for 1980 through 1982 model Porsche 924 Turbo vehicles. The affected vehicles are within the following vehicle identification number range:

93A 0150 001 - WP0 AA0 93 CN 150 503

It is possible that due to improper routing of the turbocharger breather hose condensed water could collect and restrict the system's venting. Consequently, a modified breather hose kit must be installed in all vehicles involved.

Customer Notification

VWoA, Inc. will notify all known owners directly as per attached copy.
Vehicle Allocation Information

Prior to the owner notification mailings, we will furnish you with a listing of all known owners located within your dealership vicinity and whose vehicles must have the modification work applied.

Inventory Vehicles

It is important that all vehicles - new as well as used - presently in your inventory be checked and corrected prior to the sale of each vehicle.

Work Procedure

See attachment.

Time Allowance

As indicated in the attached accounting procedure.

Parts Supply

An initial supply of the required parts will be automatically allocated to you. Additional parts must be ordered by you so that they are immediately available upon demand. The parts required are assembled as a kit as follows:

1980 Model - 000 043 016 00
1981/82 Models - 000 043 017 00

Accounting Procedure

See attachment.

Service Action Completion Identification

A pre-printed Porsche completion sticker bearing the service action code JO and supplied to you by VWoA, must be affixed to the left front door jamb. Please make sure that the area is cleaned and dry prior to attaching the label.

All personnel in your dealership connected with campaign action implementations should be familiar with this procedure.

Thank you for your cooperation.