Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

How to Use Diagrams

Diagram Layout

Key To Image
1 Coordinates
2 Wire cross section size with wire color code (E.G. 6.0 sq.mm, Red)
3 Terminal designation (E.G. Terminal 30)
4 Part designation and connection of wire (See Component Index)
5 Alpha-numeric Coordinate of the field to which the wire continues
6 Welded connection point or harness splice
7 Ground point
8 Wiring harness with harness designation (E.G. Harness number 31)
9 Single plug connection
10 Multiple plug connection

Diagram Sections, Fields and Wire Continuations
Porsche wiring diagrams are separated into diagram sections and use a coordinate system which divides each section into small fields. Letter coordinates span across the top and bottom of each diagram section and numeric coordinates span down each side of the diagram section.
Since wiring often continues from one diagram section to a different diagram section, the alpha-numeric coordinate (5) is used to identify a field in a new diagram section in which a circuit is to be continued. To follow a circuit that continues to a new diagram section, determine the color and size of the wire, identify the new diagram section alpha-numeric coordinate, and go to the field coordinate of the new diagram section. Note that there may be more than one circuit that is continued to this field and you will need the field coordinate from which the circuit was continued and the color code of the wire to identify the correct circuit.

Diagrams By Coordinates
To locate the diagram section containing a coordinate of a continued circuit, refer to Diagrams By Coordinates, located at Vehicle Diagrams. Diagrams By Coordinates