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Seat Rail - Adjusting For More Leg Room



928 All
911 C2/C4/T

Part Identifier

October 28, 1993

Adjusting seat rails for more leg room.

ATTENTION: Service Manager / Service Technician

Models Affected:
928 All model years
911 Carrera 2/4
911 Turbo 1991-

The seat rails for the above mentioned vehicles can be repositioned to allow for more leg room. The distance the seat is moved compared to the factory selling is 22.5 mm for 911 Carrera 2/4/Turbo and 25 mm for 928 models.

Relocation Procedure:
1. Move the seat to its rear most position and remove the two front allen head bolts which secure the seat rails.

2. Move the seat to its forward most position and remove the four rear allen head bolts which secure the seat rails.

3. On vehicles with electric seats, disconnect the wiring harness to the seat.

4. Lift and remove the seat from the vehicle on 911 Carrera 2/4/Turbo models.

5. 911 Carrera 2/4/Turbo - On the inside/rear securing point, place a 3mm thick washer, Part Number 999 025 125 09, on top of the rear thread bore opening (Figure 1). It may be necessary to cut the carpet to access this area.

6. 911 Carrera 2/4/Turbo - On the outside rear securing point, slide the threaded plate to the rear bore opening (Figure 2). Reinstall and secure the seat.

7. 928 Models - Slide the seat to the rear mounting points and secure the seat (Figure C).

For stability reasons, other changes to the seat rails or mounting points, such as drilling additional holes etc., are not permitted.