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Shift Modulator: Service and Repair


1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Raise and support vehicle.
3. Remove drain plug from valve body and allow fluid to drain.
4. Remove valve body oil pan attaching bolts, then the pan.
5. Remove valve body attaching bolts, then the valve body. Note bolt lengths before removing valve body. Three edge bolts are 1.96 inches long and the remaining bolts are 2.16 inches long.
6. Reverse procedure to install. Torque attaching bolts to 6 ft.lbs. Torque drain plug to 10 ft.lbs.


1. Loosen intermediate muffler shield and position aside as far as possible.
2. Disconnect electrical connectors from starter locking and back-up light switch.
3. Using a suitable tool, pry in cover and remove snap ring.
4. Loosen axial holder attaching nut.
5. Using a suitable screwdriver, turn axial holder counterclockwise and pull governor outward.
6. Reverse procedure to install.


1. Loosen intermediate muffler shield and position aside as far as possible.
2. Disconnect vacuum line from vacuum modulator.
3. Remove holder attaching bolts, then the holder.
4. Remove vacuum modulator assembly.
5. Reverse procedure to install.