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Power Steering Pump - Flush Hoses After Replacing

90porsche06 August 14, 1990
Subject: Power Steering Pump Replacement
Model Group

All 4

Part Identifier Number

4898 9006
ATTENTION: Service Manager/Service Technician

This bulletin supersedes Technical Bulletin Group 4, Number 9006, dated August 7, 1990.

Concern: Proper cleaning of system when replacing power steering pumps.

Repair Procedure: Whenever a power steering pump is replaced, the hose from the reservoir to the pump, the hose from the pump to the rack, and the hose from the rack to the reservoir*, all have to be flushed out with clean solvent to ensure that no foreign material is in the system. The oil reservoir must be replaced because it is not serviceable.

*The return line from the rack to the reservoir includes the oil cooler and is more easily cleaned in place on the car.

Additional time - 40 TU