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Floating Frame Caliper

Exploded View Floating Frame Caliper:

1. Raise and support vehicle.
2. Remove wheels and brake pads.
3. Disconnect brake hydraulic line. Using a suitable device, depress and hold brake pedal to restrict flow of brake fluid from reservoir.
4. Remove caliper retaining bolts and caliper assembly.
5. Loosen bleeder valve and carefully blow hydraulic fluid out of caliper.

NOTE:The recommended air pressure for fluid removal is 14 psi.

Removing Caliper Frame:

6. Press caliper frame off of mounting frame.

Removing Cylinder From Frame:

7. Place a piece of wood in caliper frame to prevent damage, drive brake piston housing off of caliper frame with a plastic hammer applied at different points on housing.
8. Remove the clamping ring and dust boot.

Removing Piston:

9. Support piston on a piece of wood. Using compressed air, push the piston out of the cylinder bore.

Removing Lip Seal:

10. Remove piston seal with a plastic pin to prevent damage to cylinder bore groove.
11. Clean parts in alcohol.
12. Check cylinder bore, piston, and slot surfaces for damage.
13. Coat cylinder bore, piston, and piston seal with ATE brake paste or equivalent.
14. Install piston seal into cylinder bore groove.

Installing Piston Into Cylinder:

15. Press piston into the cylinder in approximately the correct position (20° to chamfer).
16. Remove brake cylinder paste from piston ridge and install dust covers.

Mounting Brake Cylinder To Caliper Frame:

17. Drive brake cylinder with guide spring on to caliper frame with a soft drift applied at points all around cylinder housing.

Installing Caliper Frame To Mounting Frame:

18. Install mounting frame, being careful not to damage slides.

Adjusting Piston With Piston Turning Pliers.:

19. Make final 20° adjustment of piston with piston turning pliers.
20. Install caliper and bleed brake hydraulic system.