Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Flow of Diagnosis

Flow Of Diagnosis:


Driveability Worksheet 1:

Driveability Worksheet 2:


Repair History 1:

Repair History 2:


1. Verify customer complaint is valid and present at time of service.
2. Engine management systems require that the engine be mechanically sound. No complex control or diagnostic system can make up for an engine that has internal problems (i.e. low compression, tight valves).
3. Also check for applicable technical service bulletins. Many problems have already been diagnosed by the manufacturer. Failing to find an available service bulletin that references the vehicles current condition, costs wasted time for customer and mechanic alike.
4. Don't assume a complex computer problem is causing a fault without first eliminating the more likely possibility that something minor is wrong with the car (i.e. plugs, wires, fuel filter).
5. System Diagnosis (Start Here)to find the correct approach to correcting the problem the vehicle is experiencing.