Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Camshaft Housing Disassembly/Assembly

Dismantling and assembling camshaft housing

The figure shows the camshaft housing of cylinder bank 1 to 3

Assembly instructions

Removing and installing spray tube at the camshaft housing

Note: In case of bearing damage and when rebuilding the engine, always remove and clean the spray tubes thoroughly.


1. Drill lateral plugs to a depth of approx. 9 mm using a 4.8 to 5 mm dia. drill and cut in an M 6 thread using a bottoming tap. Pull out plug with an M 6 bolt and a spacer sleeve.

The lock pins used to hold the spray tube in place are factory4itted in forward direction (pointing towards the flywheel). Refer to explosion drawing, part no.14.

2. Punch centering pin and drill with a 2.5 mm dia. drill, tap an M 3 thread and use an M 3 bolt and spacing sleeve to pull out pin.


1. Install spray tube in correct position, making sure the locating bore for the lock pin Is oriented correctly, e.g. use a piercing awl to check. Coat centering pin lightly with Loctite 270 and press in.

Note: Individual bores must point up towards the inlet valve covers. Twin bores (not visible on figure) point towards the cam sliding surface.

2. Coat new lateral plugs with Optimoly HT and press in plugs.

Note: Align bevelled edge of the plugs so that it points towards the bore. If the plugs cannot be press-fitted in the housing, upset them before fitting them.

3. Press in the plugs until they are approx. 0.3 mm below the sealing surface.