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Test Point 2 - Idle Contact

TEST POINT 2: - Idle speed contact Ground short - Fault code 1_12

Possible Causes, Elimination, Remarks
Check by means of circuit input test with system tester 9288 or Tester 9268

Select test step and operate accelerator pedal.
9288 display: Idle speed contact closed
Idle speed contact open
9268 display: 1332 (idle speed contact closed)
0000 (idle speed contact open)

No display:
Disconnect plug from DME control unit.
Connect ohmmeter between terminal 52 and terminal 24 using test leads.
Bridge Ground to terminal 30.

Throttle valve closed < 10 Ohms
Throttle valve opening angle > 1° = infinite resistance

If the values of the idle speed contact are not reached in this test, the test should be repeated directly at the throttle valve switch.

Disconnect the plug on the throttle valve switch. Connect an ohmmeter between terminals 1 and 2 of the throttle valve switch using test leads.

Throttle valve closed < 10 Ohms
Throttle valve opening angle > 1° = infinite resistance

IDLE SPEED CONTACT - Break - Fault code 1_15

Possible Causes, Elimination, Remarks
Test procedure same as for ground short
(Fault will be stored in memory as from '91 models)

Check whether setting is correct and adjust if necessary. Cause may be incorrectly set throttle valve switch or accelerator cable, for example.