Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Oil Return Pipes, Removing and Installing

Oil return pipes, removing and installing

Note: As well as the one-piece oil return pipes, sectioned oil return pipes are also available for repairs. This makes it possible to replace them without removing and dismantling the engine. The one-piece oil return pipes should however be used when reconditioning an engine.

1 Oil pipe long
2 Oil pipe short
3 Retaining ring
4 0-rings
5 Round seal


1. Remove the left-hand heat exchanger. The right-hand heat exchanger can remain on the engine.

2. Cut through the one-piece oil return pipe in the middle with metal shears. Drain off residual oil.
3. Remove pieces of pipe. Clean sealing surfaces on the crankshaft and camshaft housings.
4. Preassemble the sectioned oil return pipe, i.e. mount the 0-rings and round seals and apply a light film of tire-mounting paste (e.g. Contifix). Push the retaining ring out of the groove and slide approx. 40 mm along the pipe. Plug pipes together.
5. Press the telescoped pipes apart on the engine, so that the round seals are located in the sealing surfaces and the retaining ring groove is free.

Note: Install the short oil pipe on the crankcase side.

6. Replace the retaining ring in the groove. Turn the installed pipe slightly to ensure that the round seals are correctly seated.
7. After a test run, check the engine for leaks