Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Disassembly/Assembly of Drive Pinion


Drive Pinion:

Legend 1:

Legend 2:

Legend 3:

- Refer to images for instructions and legends.


- Items 1 through 20 are removed without removing the drive pinion.
- To facilitate reassembly, the drive pinion remains installed for part of the dismantling steps.Disassembly/Assembly of Transmission

- Mount tensioning plate with input shaft in vice (fit protective jaws) and reassemble drive pinion.

A = Large inner race (Outside diameter 56 mm), pointing towards pinion head when installed
B = Small inner race (outside diameter 53.5 mm), pointing towards 4th gear fixed gear.

- Heat bearing inner race of four-point bearing to approx. 120°C and press into correct position.

- When installing the synchronizer driver dogs, the guide nose must face the selector sleeve. The nose may point either to the left or the right.

Assembly dimension (new) = 1.1 mm min.
Wear limit = 0.6 to 0.7 mm

- To check the synchronizer rings, press rings onto the gear cones and use a feeler gauge to measure gap "A".