Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Disassembly/Assembly of Input Shaft


Input Shaft:

Legend 1:

Legend 2:

Legend 3:

- Refer to images for instructions and legends.

- Mount retaining plate 9177 in a vice, fit input shaft and undo collar nut with Special Tool 9105.
- Use a suitable tool (e.g. Kukko 17 - 1) to press all parts off the input shaft over the 2nd gear wheel.

1 = Selector sleeve
2 = Driver dog
3 = Guide sleeve
4 = Punch mark
5 = Assembly position

- Observe assembly position of selector sleeve. When assembling, the punch mark must be centered in relation to the driver dogs.

Assembly dimension (new) = 0.9 mm min.
Wear limit = 0.6 to 0.7 mm

- To inspect the synchronizing rings, press rings onto the gear wheel cones and use a feeler gauge to measure gap "A".

1 = Selector rod 3rd/4th
2 = Lock
3 = Selector rod 5th/R
4 = Lock
5 = Lock
6 = Selector rod 1/2

- Observe assembly position of locks.