Engine Control Module
DME Connector Assignment
1 - Oxygen Sensor Heating behind Catalytic Converter
2 - Idle Air Control Valve, Closing Coil
3 - Fuel Injector, Cylinder 1
4 - Fuel Injector, Cylinder 2
5 - Fuel Injector, Cylinder 3
6 - Ground
7 - not assigned
8 - Malfunction Indication Light Check Engine
9 - EX - Light (Japan)
10 - Suppression Fuel Cutoff
11 - A/C Compressor Switch
12 - MIL activated externally
13 - not assigned
14 - not assigned
15 - not assigned
16 - Intake Air Temperature Sensor
17 - Signal Mass Air Flow Sensor
18 - Signal Oxygen Sensor 2 ahead of Catalytic Converter
19 - Signal Oxygen Sensor 1 ahead of Catalytic Converter
20 - Ground Speed Sender
21 - Signal Hall Sender
22 - Ignition coil II terminal 1
23 - not assigned
24 - not assigned
25 - not assigned
26 - Terminal 30
27 - Triggering of DME Relay Terminal 85
28 - Ground Electronic System
29 - Idle Air Control Valve, Opening Coil
30 - Oxygen Sensor Heating ahead of Catalytic Converter
31 - Fuel Injector, Cylinder 6
32 - Fuel Injector, Cylinder 4
33 - Fuel Injector, Cylinder 5
34 - Ground Sender
35 - Intake manifold length tuning
36 - not assigned
37 - Triggering of Relay Secondary Air Pump
38 - Signal A/C Compressor on
39 - Fuel Level Pilot Light
40 - Knock Sensor 2
41 - not assigned
42 - Tiptronic control unit intervention
43 - not assigned
44 - Signal Throttle Sender
45 - Ground MAF Sensor
46 - Ground Oxygen Sensors
47 - not assigned
48 - not assigned
49 - Ignition Coil 1 Terminal 1
50 - not assigned
51 - not assigned
52 - not assigned
53 - +5 Volt Output Voltage
54 - DME Relay Terminal 87
55 - Ground Ignition System
56 - Terminal 15
57 - not assigned
58 - not assigned
59 - Change-over valve for resonance flap
60 - not assigned
61 - Fuel Tank Ventilation Valve
62 - Triggering of A/C Compressor Relay
63 - DME Relay Terminal 85 b
64 - not assigned
65 - not assigned
66 - not assigned
67 - Signal Knocking
68 - Drive position switch
69 - not assigned
70 - Knock Sensor 1 (Cylinders 1 - 3)
71 - Ground Knock Sensors
72 - not assigned
73 - not assigned
74 - Engine Temperature Sensor
75 - not assigned
76 - Signal Oxygen Sensor 2 behind Catalytic Converter
77 - Signal Oxygen Sensor 1 behind Catalytic Converter
78 - Signal Speed Sender
79 - Speed Signal
80 - TN Signal
81 - not assigned
82 - Output Throttle Signal
83 - not assigned
84 - not assigned
85 - not assigned
86 - not assigned
87 - L Wire
88 - K Wire