Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Relay Location and Identification

Relays In Central Electric Panel

Located at right-hand side of the luggage compartment.

Layout Of Distribution Box:

Relay Details

No. Relay
R01 Relay Term X
R03 Not Used
R04 Oil cooler blower
R11 Term 15E
R12 Bridge Adapter
R13 Not Used
R14 Condenser blower
R21 Sunroof
R22 Power window regulator
R23 Two-tone horns
R24 Control unit P/N lock (Early 1996 Model)
R24 Control unit instrument lighting (Late 1996 Model)
R31 Fog light
R32 Not Used (Early 1996 Model)
R32 Daytime running light control (Late 1996 Model)
R33 Term X
R34 Front fog lamp
R41 Not Used
R42 Wiper intermittent control
R43 Headlignt cleaner
R44 Catalytic converter control
R51 Backup light (Automatic)
R52 Not Used
R53 MFI + DI relay
R61 Start relay
R62 Not Used
R63 Daytime running light (Canada)

Relay in Luggage Compartment Right

No. Relay
R65 ABS engine relay
R66 BPAU-pump
R68 ABS valve relay

Fuse/Relay Plate, Left-hand Engine Compartment

Fuses And Relays At Left-Hand Engine Compartment:

1 - Not used
2 - Relay, auxiliary air pump (USA/Canada only)
3 - Relay, AC compressor
4 - Relay, heated rear window
5 - Relay, heater blower
6 - Not used
7 - Connector, suppression capacitor
8 - Not used
9 - Connector, DME X 4/2, engine X3
10 - Connector, DME X 60
11 - Fuse, heater blower 30 A
12 - Fuse, rear window 25 A
13 - Fuse, AC compressor 7,5 A
14 - Fuse, auxiliary air pump 40 A
15 - Suppression capacitor