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Connecting Rod Weight Group Specifications

The con-rods are allocated to weight classes. The last digit of the part number indicates the weight class. The last digit is marked on the shaft of con-rods supplied as spare parts.

^ The weight difference between con-rods installed in the same engine must not exceed 6 g. To determine the weight class, weigh the entire con-rod without the bearing shells.

^ The con-rod markings for spare parts are stamped with paint.

Type 1 and 2 con-rods are no longer available as spare parts. If con-rods need to be replaced, a complete set of type 3 con-rods must be installed.

NOTE: Type 3 con-rods are also available as individual parts.

Type 1
From the start of 993 production

Type 2
From engine no.: M64/05 63 S 02522 - 05847 / M64/06 63 S 51344 - 52684 / M64/07 64 S 02413 - 04238 1 M64/08 64 S 50791 - 51180

Type 3
From engine no.: M64/05 63 S 05848 / M64/06 63 S 52685 / M64/07 64 S 04238 /M64/08 64 S 51181 / M64/20 63 S 85654 / M64/60 61 T 00932