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Fault Code 4206

Fault Code 4206

Speed Sensor, Front Left
Incorrect signal from speed sensor

Diagnostic conditions
- Vehicle speed > 40 km/h (25 mph) for min. 40 s.

Possible cause of fault
- Toothed ring/speed sensor soiled or damaged, wheel-bearing play too great
- Pick-up due to faulty shield
- Speed sensor faulty
- Control unit faulty

Affected pins
PSM 5.3: Pin 8 and pin 10
PSM 5.7: Pin 12 and pin 28 in 911 Carrera 4
PSM 5.7: Pin 12 and pin 13 in 911 Carrera 2

Diagnosis/troubleshooting PSM 5.3

Work Instruction 1 - 2:

Work Instruction 3 - 10:

Diagnosis/troubleshooting PSM 5.7 in 911 Carrera 4

Work Instruction 1 - 6:

Work Instruction 7 - 10:

Diagnosis/troubleshooting PSM 5.7 in 911 Carrera 2

Work Instruction 1 - 4:

Work Instruction 5 - 10: