Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Part 1


Control unit function - navigation

Terminating resistors in the CAN
Terminating resistors are fitted to each end of the wiring to prevent reflection on the wiring. These terminating resistors are integrated into each control module. The interconnection prevents the resistors from being measured with the ohmmeter from the outside.

CAN comfort
Communication between the 9588 Porsche System Tester II and the MOST control modules only takes place via the K lead to the instrument cluster. The data is transferred from the instrument cluster gateway to the MOST control modules, via CAN comfort to the PCM2 gateway, via the electrical MOST in the PCM2 and via the optical MOST outside of the PCM2.

CD changer (CDC)
The CDC is available as an optional feature and is linked to the PCM2 via the optical waveguide.

Coding table

Part 1:

Part 2:

The PCM2 codes can be extracted and the PCM2 coded on a country- specific basis under the "Modify coding" menu item.

Menu item Function

- ABS pulse number You can code the ABS pulse number using this menu item.

- Connect and start the 9588 Porsche System Tester II and switch on the ignition.
- Select "Boxster" in the Vehicle type menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "PCM" in the Control units menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Navigation" in the Boxster (986) PCM2 function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Coding" in the Boxster (986) navigation function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Display format" in the Navigation coding function selection using the [>] key and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Use the arrow keys to select the required option and code with the [F8] key.

- Display format You can code the display format using this menu item.

- Connect and start the 9588 Porsche System Tester II and switch on the ignition.
- Select "Boxster" in the Vehicle type menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "PCM" in the Control units menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "PCM2 MMI" in the Boxster (986) PCM2 function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select the Coding menu item and confirm with the [>>] key.
- In the menu PCM2 MMI coding, select "ABS pulse number" using the [>] key, confirm with the [>>] key and code with the [F8] key.

- Date You can code the date using this menu item.

- Connect and start the 9588 Porsche System Tester II and switch on the ignition.
- Select "Boxster" in the Vehicle type menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "PCM" in the Control units menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "PCM2 MMI" in the Boxster (986) PCM2 function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Coding" in the PCM2 MMI function selection menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Date" in the PCM2 MMI coding menu with the [down arrow] key and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Use the arrow keys to select the required option and code with the [F8] key.

- Units You can code the relevant units using this menu item.

- Connect and start the 9588 Porsche System Tester II and switch on the ignition.
- Select "Boxster" in the Vehicle type menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "PCM" in the Control units menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Navigation" in the Boxster PCM2 function selection menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Coding" in the Navigation function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Units" in the Navigation coding function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "the relevant units" from the menu item that is displayed and code them with the [F8] key.

- Right/left-hand drive You can code the vehicle version required using this
vehicle coding menu item.

- Connect and start the 9588 Porsche System Tester II and switch on the ignition.
- Select "Boxster" in the Vehicle type menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "PCM" in the Control units menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Navigation" in the PCM2 function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Coding" in the Navigation function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Right/left-hand drive vehicle coding" in the navigation coding function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Right or left-hand drive" in the menu corresponding to the vehicle equipment and code with the [F8] key.

- Wheel size You can code the wheel size required using this menu.

- Connect and start the 9588 Porsche System Tester II and switch on the ignition.
- Select "Boxster" in the Vehicle type menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "PCM" in the Control units menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Navigation" in the PCM2 function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Coding" in the Navigation function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Wheel size" in the Navigation coding function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select the" corresponding wheel size" in the menu corresponding to the vehicle equipment and code with the [F8] key.

- Height/width in per cent You can code the height/width ratio in per cent using this menu item.

- Connect and start the 9588 Porsche System Tester II and switch on the ignition.
- Select "Boxster" in the Vehicle type menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "PCM" in the Control units menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Navigation" in the PCM2 function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Coding" in the Navigation function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Height/width ratio in per cent" in the Navigation coding function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Height/width ratio in per cent" in the menu corresponding to the vehicle equipment and code with the [F8] key.

- Air conditioning You can code corresponding to the air-conditioning
with/without equipment using this menu item.

- Connect and start the 9588 Porsche System Tester II and switch on the ignition.
- Select "Boxster" in the Vehicle type menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "PCM" in the control modules selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Navigation" in the PCM2 function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Coding" in the Navigation function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Air conditioning with/without" in the navigation coding menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Air conditioning with/without" corresponding to the equipment in the Navigation coding function selection and code with the [F8] key.

- Country coding You can code the country code using this menu item.

- Connect and start the 9588 Porsche System Tester II and switch on the ignition.
- Select vehicle type Boxster (986) and the PCM2 GW control unit and press the [>>] key.
- Select the "Coding" menu item and press the [>>] key.
- Select the "Country coding" menu item and press the [>>] key.
- Select "RoW or USA" and code with the [F8] key.

- PCM2 code You can code the PCM2 code after replacing the PCM2 GW using this menu item.

- Connect and start the 9588 Porsche System Tester II and switch on the ignition.
- Select vehicle type Boxster (986) and the PCM control unit and press the [>>] key.
- Select the Coding menu item.
- Select the "PCM2 code" menu item.
- Take the PCM2 code from IPAS, enter it and code it with the [F8] key.

- Tyre width You can code the summer/winter time using this menu item.

- Connect and start the 9588 Porsche System Tester II and switch on the ignition.
- Select "Boxster" in the Vehicle type menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "PCM" in the Control units menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Navigation" in the Boxster (986) function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Coding" in the Navigation function selection menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Summer/winter time" in the Navigation coding function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Code the required option with the [F8] key.

- Tyre condition You can code the summer/winter time using this menu item.

- Connect and start the 9588 Porsche System Tester II and switch on the ignition.
- Select "Boxster" in the Vehicle type menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "PCM" in the Control units menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Navigation" in the Boxster (986) function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Coding" in the Navigation function selection menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Summer/winter time" in the Navigation coding function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Code the required option with the [F8] key.

- Summer/winter time You can code the summer/winter time using this menu item.

- Connect and start the 9588 Porsche System Tester II and switch on the ignition.
- Select "Boxster" in the Vehicle type menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "PCM" in the Control units menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Navigation" in the Boxster (986) function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Coding" in the Navigation function selection menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Summer/winter time" in the Navigation coding function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Code the required option with the [F8] key.

- Time You can code the current time using this menu item.

- Connect and start the 9588 Porsche System Tester II and switch on the ignition.
- Select "Boxster" in the Vehicle type menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "PCM" in the Control units selection menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Navigation" in the Boxster (986) PCM2 function selection menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Coding" in the Navigation function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Time" in the PCM2 MMI coding menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Use the arrow keys to select the required "time" and code with the [F8] key.

- Time zone You can code the required time zone using this menu item.

- Connect and start the 9588 Porsche System Tester II and switch on the ignition.
- Select "Boxster" in the Vehicle type menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "PCM" in the Control units selection menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Navigation" in the Boxster (986) PCM2 function selection and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Coding" in the Navigation function selection menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select "Time zone" in the Navigation coding menu and confirm with the [>>] key.
- Select the "Time zone" corresponding to the country of registration using the [>] key and code with the [F8] key.