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Compressor Oil

Distribution of the oil quantity in the refrigerant circuit

Total oil quantity 195 ± 15 cubic cm

After suction removal from the system, the following quantities remain in the

condenser 2 x 20 cubic cm approx. 40 cubic cm
evaporator approx. 30 cubic cm
fluid tank with lines approx. 30 cubic cm
compressor approx. 50 cubic cm
circulating oil quantity
in the refrigerant circuit approx. 60 cubic cm

NOTE: In new vehicles, the amount of oil removed by suction is approx.15... 40 cubic cm.
Oil removed by suction must be returned to the system.

Refrigerant oil removed from a previously run air-conditioning system may no longer be used (special-category waste).
After the refrigerant has been removed by suction and a component has been replaced, the oil quantity must be determined and topped up by the quantity remaining in the removed component.