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Reading Out and Transferring Remote Control

Reading Out And Transferring Remote Control

When replacing the alarm system control module, it is possible to read out remote controls from the old control module and transfer them to the new control module. In this way, the hand-held transmitters (remote controls and transponders) can be retained. In other words, it is not necessary to change the hand-held transmitter when replacing the alarm system control module.

- Communication can be established between the Porsche System Tester II No. 9588 and the alarm system control module.
- The remote controls and transponders are correct and functional.

- When the remote control is read out and transferred, only the remote control data is read out and transferred.
- The transponder of the individual keys must be adapted to the control module. Four positions are available for this purpose in the 'Transponder key' menu item. This function is described from step 19 onward.

Work preparation
The following information is required from the IPAS for reading out and transferring remote controls:
- Key learning code
- Immobiliser code

1. Connect the Porsche System Tester II No. 9588 to the data link connector, start it and switch on the ignition.
2. Select vehicle type Boxster (986) and start the automatic control module search with the double arrow key [>>].
3. After a brief search, the Porsche System Tester II No. 9588 reports: 'Fault memory reading completed'.
4. Select alarm system control module and press the double arrow key [>>].
5. Select 'Learning functions' in the menu and press the double arrow key [>>].
6. Select the 'Read out remote control' menu item and press the double arrow key [>>].
7. "Input key learning code" appears on the screen. Enter the key learning code with the arrow keys [Up Arrow] and [Down Arrow] and press the double arrow key [>>].
8. "Please confirm input" appears on the screen. Check the key learning code you entered and press the [F7] key.
9. "Remote controls were read out" appears on the screen. Press the double arrow key [<<] twice in order to change to the control module overview. Switch the ignition off, remove the old control module, install the new control module and switch the ignition on again.
10. Press the double arrow key [>>] to set up communication with the new control module.
11. Select the 'Learning functions' menu item with the arrow key [Down] and press the double arrow key [>>].
12. The 'Immobiliser' menu item is already selected. Press the double arrow key [>>].

- The immobiliser code can be input only once.
- An incorrect input will render the control module useless.
- Input and check immobiliser code carefully.

13. "Input immobiliser code" appears on the screen. Enter the immobiliser code with the arrow keys [Up Arrow] and [Down Arrow] and press the double arrow key [>>].
14. "Please confirm input" appears on the screen. Check the immobiliser code you entered and press the [F7] key.
15. Select the 'Transfer remote control' menu item with the arrow key [Down Arrow] and press the double arrow key [>>].
16. "Input key learning code" appears on the screen. Enter the key learning code with the arrow keys [Up Arrow] and[Down Arrow] and press the double arrow key [>>].
17. "Please confirm input" appears on the screen. Check the key learning code you entered and press the [F7] key.
18. "Remote controls were transferred" appears on the screen.
19. Select the 'Transponder key' menu item with the arrow key [Up Arrow] and press the double arrow key [>>].
20. "Input key learning code" appears on the screen. Enter the key learning code with the arrow keys [Up Arrow] and [Down Arrow] and press the double arrow key [>>].
21. "Please confirm input" appears on the screen. Check the key learning code you entered and press the [F7] key.

NOTE: As the transponder coils must be taught individually, make sure that the allocation of the locations is the same as described under 'Transponder code' on the IPAS printout (see step 22).

22. Four unoccupied positions are displayed on the screen. Position 1 is marked in black. Furthermore, the current transponder code is displayed under 'Current key'. This code must be stored in the same location as specified in the IPAS printout. Select position and press the [F8] key. The corresponding transponder code is assigned to the position.
23. Withdraw the key and repeat steps 19 to 22 for the remaining keys.

All remote controls have now been transferred from the old control module to the new control module, and the transponders adapted to the new control module.

- Check all hand-held transmitters for operation (lock and unlock the vehicle).
- Check that all transponders function correctly (start engine).
- Read out fault memory and delete any stored faults.