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Instruments - Wrong Time Indication Displayed in PCM2

911 (996)

18/03 9110

Binder - 9, Electrics

Date: 8-13-04

Wrong Time Indication in PCM2 and Instrument Cluster

Vehicle Type:
911 Carrera (996)/911 Carrera 4 (996)

Model Year:
As of '03 (3)

Vehicles with option, PCM2 (I No. 665). Wrong time indication in PCM2 and instrument cluster.

PCM2 with new software (software version "3.0")

The error described below can occur even in vehicles for which - as described in Technical Information Bulletin, Group 9, No. 11/03 - the PCM2 software was upgraded to software version 3.0.

The software version of the PCM2 is shown when the "MAIN" and "TRIP" keys are pressed simultaneously with the PCM2 switched on.

The time is set automatically in the PCM2 and instrument cluster if the GPS almanac is loaded. The GPS almanac is not available with a new vehicle or after disconnection of the vehicle battery, and it must be loaded as described under "Measure". If the time is manually set on the PCM2 or instrument cluster before the GPS almanac is loaded, the wrong time will be set when the GPS almanac is loaded.

Proceed as follows after:

- the battery has been reconnected or

- the production mode of the PCM2 has been deactivated in a new vehicle (see 911 Carrera (996) Technical Manual, Group 9, Chapter 91-10 see sub-item "Teaching display and operator control unit (PCM2)").

Park the vehicle outside the workshop for around 30 minutes with the ignition key removed and the PCM2 switched on. There must be good satellite reception for this purpose (at least five satellites in the menu display in the mode Navigation - Status of the PCM2 display). The GPS almanac will be completely loaded within this time period.

The correct time is now displayed; it may be necessary to switch over to daylight saving time. The instrument cluster automatically adopts the time from the PCM2. If the time was changed in the instrument cluster or in the PCM2 before the GPS almanac has been loaded, this time change can be undone by selecting the desired time zone. At least 3 satellites must be displayed in the menu bar in Status mode.

Work Procedure:
Time setting procedure.

> Press "MAIN" key.

> Press "SET" key.

> Select menu item "Date/Time" with the right rotary knob.

> Activate menu item "Time zone" and select the desired time zone by turning the right rotary knob.

> Adopt the setting by pressing the right rotary knob.

Setting the time zone, see PCM operating instructions, Chapter 2.2.5

PCM operating instructions:
> Chapter 2.2.5 "Setting date/time"
> Chapter 9 "Navigation (Navi)" see Notes

911 Carrera (996) Technical Manual, Group 9:

> Repairs:
9-11 - Work instruction after disconnecting the battery
91-10 see Sub-item "Teaching the display and operator control unit (PCM2)"

> Technical Information Bulletin: Group 9, No. 11/03 - PCM2 update/BOSE update
