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Actual Values (ABS and ABS/TC)

Actual values (ABS and ABS/TC)

The following actual values can be checked with this menu (with this function):
- Speed (wheel speed / test possible up to 18 km/h)
Speed, front left
Speed, front right
Speed, rear left
Speed, rear right

- Engine rpm (not present with Solo ABS)

Further to speed:
Select, activate and call up the desired wheel using the arrow keys.
The wheel speed is displayed according to the wheel rpm.
All four wheels are displayed if all speeds are activated and called up.

Example (front left wheel)
Speed, front left 15.00 km/h

Example (all wheels)
Speed, front left 15.00 km/h
Speed, front right 15.00 km/h
Speed, rear left 15.00 km/h
Speed, rear right 15.00 km/h

Two tests are possible to determine the speed sensor signal.

Test 1 with the vehicle raised.
(Swapping the speed sensors and checking the quality of the speed sensor signal.)

Test 2 when driving straight ahead at approx. 2 - 4 km/h.
(signal qualities of the individual wheels are compared with each other). Test 2 is a better measure of the signal quality than is test 1.

Further to test 1
In order to perform the test, manually turn the left front wheel at a uniform speed of approx. 2 - 3 km/h (observe display in the Tester screen). Slowly increase the speed while simultaneously observing the speed increase (display).

Nominal values/required display
Speed steps of approx. 0.06 km/h.
First display at 1.81 km/h. This means: From the value measured last, the next value must be 0.06 km/h higher or, if rotating slower, must be 0.06 km/h lower. The Tester rounds the value down to 0.05 km/h or up to 0.07 km/h in some cases.

First measured value = 1.81 km/h
Second nominal value = 1.87 km/h
Third nominal value = 1.93 km/h

NOTE: When performing the test on the rear axle, lock up (hold) the opposite wheel.

Further to test 2
Display all four wheels in the Tester display.

Drive straight ahead at a uniform speed of approx. 2-4 km/h, and have a second person observe the Tester display.

Required display: Deviation between the four wheel speeds max. 1 km/h.

Further to engine speed:
Precondition: engine running.
Display of the current engine speed.