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Spring Struts/Coil Springs

Spring struts/coil springs

Changes in handling by fitting incorrect components.

Prior mechanical damage to coil springs by incorrect handling of the customer or in the workshop can lead to coil springs breaking, also at a later point in time.
^ Installing new coil springs/spring struts, ensure the correct classification (version, dimensions, and right/left parts).
^ Only use suitable or specified tools/spring compressors to remove or install coil springs.
^ Avoid the following effects on coil springs at all times: hammer taps, welding beads, applying color identification retroactively.
^ Do not perform any welding or grinding work (separate work) in the area of the coil springs or the spring struts! If necessary, cover the coil springs or spring struts.
^ Before installing components, give the parts a visual check and replace the coil springs as necessary.