Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Rear Disc Brake Pads

It is essential to observe the following points when changing brake pads:
- Use brake pads of the correct quality (in accordance with spare parts catalogue).
- Replace vibration dampers each time the pads are changed.
- The damper plates have an adhesive protective film.
The protective film must be pulled off before installation.
- The pad backing plates (rear side of the brake pads) must not be greased.


- Remove the retainer (arrow) and extract the retainer pin inwards.
- Pull out the warning contact wire on the brake caliper and remove the warning contacts from the brake pad plates.

NOTE: Replace warning contacts if the core of the wire is worn or worn through. The warning contact can continue to be used if there are only scrape marks on the plastic part of the warning contact.

- Remove brake pads with a brake pad puller.
It is essential to observe the following notes:

Pull out brake pads together with the damper plates. If this is not possible (depending on wear of the brake pads), use a spatula to detach the damper plates from the brake pad plate before removing the pads.
In both cases, first set back the brake pads as far as possible with the piston resetting fixture. If necessary, first remove some brake fluid by suction from the brake fluid reservoir.


- Before installation of the brake pads, check the wear of the brake discs. For minimum thickness of the brake discs, refer to Brake Rotor/Disc, Specifications.
- If necessary, press the piston back to its original position using the resetting fixture.
- Fit new damper plates in the pistons.
Remove protective film from the damper plates before installation.
- Insert the brake pads. Ensure correct brake pad quality.

NOTE: The brake pad quality on the front and rear axles is identical. The pad backing plates (rear side of the brake pads) must not be greased.

- Fit new expanding spring, new retaining pin and new retainer (safety bracket) (arrow). These parts are available as a repair set and must be "renewed" each time the pads are changed.
- Insert the warning contact wire and warning contacts.
- Firmly press the brake pedal several times with the vehicle stationary so that the brake pads assume their fit in accordance with the operating state.
Next, check and, if necessary, correct the brake fluid level.

Bedding in the brake pads
New brake pads require a bedding-in period of approx. 200 km. Not until then do they achieve their best friction and wear coefficient. During this period, the brakes should be subjected to full stress when travelling at high speed only in emergencies.