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Interior/Ignition - Ignition Switch Replacement

911 (996)

4/03 2804

Binder - 2, Fuel, Exhaust, Engine Elec.

Replacement Ignition Switch

Vehicle Type:
911 Carrera (996) / 911 Carrera 4 (996) / 911 GT3 (996)

Model Year:
As of '99 (X)


A new ignition switch is available as replacement part.


As of the date of introduction below, a modified ignition switch will be installed in vehicles. For spare parts replacement of the ignition switch, only the new ignition switch part number, 4B0 905 849, is available now as a replacement part.

On vehicles produced before the date of introduction listed below, the complete steering lock, part number, 996 347 017 07 (steering lock including ignition switch) must be replaced once in order to use the new ignition switch if replacement becomes necessary.

The reason is modified dimensions of the new ignition switch. The lock barrel of the removed steering lock can continue to be used. Removing and installing the ignition switch or the steering lock is described in the Technical Manual (see Literature).


Introduction of the new ignition switch on September 05, 2003 as of the following VINs:

99 64S 62 0554 USA
99 443 63 5123 USA
99 743 65 0736 USA
99 743 69 2289 USA

Parts Information:


911 Carrera (996) Technical Manual,
Group 2:
> Repairs:
28-1 - Removing and installing ignition switch
Group 4:
> Repairs:
48-19 - Removing and installing lock barrel
48-21 - Replacing steering lock
