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Fault Code 5

Fault Code 5

Timeout error
This fault is entered if:
- a motor is actuated but the accompanying end position switch is not activated within 6 seconds,
- or the convertible top motor or convertible-top compartment lid motor is actuated but the accompanying pot. fault does not indicate a change within 3 seconds.

Diagnostic conditions
- Completely open and close convertible top

Possible cause of fault
- Convertible top was opened too long and no longer locks independently upon closing (material strain too great:)
- One of the end position switches is faulty
- Convertible top control unit defective

Affected pins


NOTE: If other faults have been stored, rectify these first.

Diagnosis/troubleshooting (Part 1):

Diagnosis/troubleshooting (Part 2):

Diagnosis/troubleshooting (Part 3):

- The illustration displayed below illustrates the voltage characteristics upon opening the convertible top.
- The voltage characteristics upon closing the convertible top result in a mirror image.

Diagnosis/troubleshooting (Part 4):

- The illustration displayed below illustrates the voltage characteristics upon opening the convertible top.
- The voltage characteristics upon closing the convertible top result in a mirror image.

Diagnosis/troubleshooting (Part 5):