Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Manufacturer Codes: 100

Fault, DTC 100 Test Point 27

CAN time-out

Possible causes, elimination, notes

Fault effect:
Reduced driving program.

- The Tiptronic control module is connected with the DME control module via a data lead (CAN bus).
- Never pull off or push on the control module connector with the ignition switched on. If the DME control module connector is pulled off with the ignition switched on, for example, the on-board diagnostic system may, in certain circumstances, detect a "CAN time-out" fault.

1. Read out the DME fault memory. If the "CAN time-out" fault is also stored here, check the wiring from the Tiptronic control module to the DME control module.
2. Check the wiring from Tiptronic control module pin 85 (or 86) to DME control module pin 85 (or 86) for continuity, short to ground and short to B+.

NOTE: If the wiring is OK and the fault is stored in one control module only, the fault may lie in another control module.